Kindergarten Tour & Overview

Kindergarten Tour & Overview
11/19/2024, 9:15 AM 10:45 AM
Virginia Chance School, 4200 Lime Kiln Ln, Louisville, KY 40222, USA

Dear Pre-K 4s Parents,
Our progressive elementary program is offering a special invitation to our current families with rising Kindergarteners to view our program up close. Our Elementary program provides a nurturing environment that promotes resilience, collaboration, and student choice, creating a fun and engaging learning experience.

Our Director of Elementary Programs, Hayley Abell, will dive deep into our Kindergarten program. She will guide you through our approach to literacy and math instruction based on the latest research in learning and brain development. She will also provide valuable insights on student assessment, higher-order thinking skills, and social-emotional development.

If you're interested in learning more about what makes our school extraordinary all the way up to fifth grade, especially since your child will be starting kindergarten soon, please join this special director-level tour.

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