Graduate Performance
In middle school and far beyond, Chance graduates stand out. Having completed the program through Grade 5, graduates are prepared and ready for their next schools. Chance graduates are the ones who love to learn and are eager to solve problems. They are independent, yet work well cooperatively. Many work above grade level in one or more areas. They take responsibility, work on a task until it is complete and put extra effort into their projects. They are thoughtful, resourceful and resilient as they adapt to new challenges. Mature beyond their years due to the full progression through Cance School's social and emotional framework within a progressive education approach, Chance graduates handle themselves with respect and poise and often assume leadership roles at their next schools and cary these formative skills throughout their life.
Our approach to education results in students who are:
Our approach to education results in students who are:
- proud of their accomplishments
- eager to be active participants
- confident in their abilities
- disciplined to keep trying
- excited about learning
- respectful and responsible
- thinkers and problem-solvers
What success looks like
What is success?
Because the demands of today’s world are far greater than ever before, a product-driven education is no longer sufficient. Focusing on filling in blanks on worksheets and memorizing for tests have short-term benefits; students often learn for tests and then forget the information.
Chance offers a process-driven education that develops the whole child. Our exceptionally capable students have the habits and behaviors that enable them to adapt, collaborate, achieve, contribute, lead, communicate and show respect for themselves and others. Such traits serve graduates well at their next schools, in relationships, and in careers as transformational leaders.
What is success?
Because the demands of today’s world are far greater than ever before, a product-driven education is no longer sufficient. Focusing on filling in blanks on worksheets and memorizing for tests have short-term benefits; students often learn for tests and then forget the information.
Chance offers a process-driven education that develops the whole child. Our exceptionally capable students have the habits and behaviors that enable them to adapt, collaborate, achieve, contribute, lead, communicate and show respect for themselves and others. Such traits serve graduates well at their next schools, in relationships, and in careers as transformational leaders.
Transitioning to middle school
Chance students are motivated, self-directed learners who transition beautifully to middle school. Official transcripts from their next schools show that over 95 percent of our alumni earn As and Bs in middle school and attain a variety of achievements.
As graduates move forward, they adapt to demands of a new school, schedule and routine. And they handle the transition quite well. Typically, 75 percent of Chance graduates enter sixth grade at these private, independent schools: Louisville Collegiate School, Kentucky Country Day and St. Francis School. Approximately 25 percent attend sixth through eighth grades in public middle schools, which include Noe and Meyzeek Middle.
As graduates move forward, they adapt to demands of a new school, schedule and routine. And they handle the transition quite well. Typically, 75 percent of Chance graduates enter sixth grade at these private, independent schools: Louisville Collegiate School, Kentucky Country Day and St. Francis School. Approximately 25 percent attend sixth through eighth grades in public middle schools, which include Noe and Meyzeek Middle.
Virginia Chance School Graduate Performance
Our Graduates and How They Do After Chance
How do Virginia Chance School students do after graduation? Are students prepared once they leave Chance? How do they transition to other schools? How do they transition to getting grades? Do they make good grades? Are they successful? Do they get involved in other activities?
How do Virginia Chance School students do after graduation? Are students prepared once they leave Chance? How do they transition to other schools? How do they transition to getting grades? Do they make good grades? Are they successful? Do they get involved in other activities?
Have you ever pondered those questions? Wonder no more!
We have completed a three-year comprehensive search and survey of our graduates' Middle Schools to collect data – the empirical and the anecdotal – to track our graduates from the last three years. We have collected their grades, test scores, teacher comments, report cards, and information about their student activities and involvement. These results are from children who have attended other independent, public, and parochial schools.
The results are in and are no surprise to us! Over the years, we have gathered data from our graduates, and the results have been consistently outstanding. We are proud of our students – for their hard work, compassion, leadership, work ethic, involvement, positive attitudes, confidence, and success. Also, please know that we do not do admissions testing and screen for a particular aptitude or socio-economic level, so these are the results of a broad range of learners.
Below are the results of graduates for the past three years, and as you can see, they are well-prepared and reflect Virginia Chance School well:
Virginia Chance graduates are successful and outstanding learners! The chart below reveals the grades of the Middle School 6th graders. Note that 80% of our students go on to be “A students,” 20% are B+ students (A+ 13%; A 40%; A- 27%; B+ 20%), and with these scores, 100% are on the honor rolls at their schools, and there are no graduates whose grades are below a B+ average. Pass/Fail classes were not added, as not to inflate scores because no Fails were recorded. Also, many of these grades are from advanced and accelerated classes.

Middle School Teacher Comments:
In addition to the grades, a sampling of teacher comments reveal their work ethic, creativity, and love of learning:
____ is off to a very good start in 6th grade Chinese. I find him to be a very kind and caring student who often thinks about others before himself. He is very helpful to me when he reaches out to assist peers in need.
____ is a hard-working, enthusiastic learner.
___ He approaches his work with quiet determination and a natural sense of curiosity about the world.
___ She brings great creativity and imagination to her work.
___ is almost always doing more than is required.
___ has a commitment to excellence and a clear sense of personal responsibility.
___ is extremely engaged and enthusiastic.
___ demonstrates a true commitment to excellence in each project he tackles, and his pride in his work shines through when he presents it to classmates.
___ From the first day of school, he has defined himself as a learner and enjoys pushing himself to try new things.
___ is always thinking on a higher level.
___ did a wonderful job representing our school in the district math competition.
___ has been a great addition to the sixth grade.
___ He is a wonderful student, and his work is amazing!
___ shined here!
___ shows true determination, curiosity, and eagerness in the classroom.
___ actively participates in class discussions.
___ She is a happy and eager learner and has really settled into this environment comfortably.
___ displays a proficient level of understanding through her work.
In addition to the grades, a sampling of teacher comments reveal their work ethic, creativity, and love of learning:
____ is off to a very good start in 6th grade Chinese. I find him to be a very kind and caring student who often thinks about others before himself. He is very helpful to me when he reaches out to assist peers in need.
____ is a hard-working, enthusiastic learner.
___ He approaches his work with quiet determination and a natural sense of curiosity about the world.
___ She brings great creativity and imagination to her work.
___ is almost always doing more than is required.
___ has a commitment to excellence and a clear sense of personal responsibility.
___ is extremely engaged and enthusiastic.
___ demonstrates a true commitment to excellence in each project he tackles, and his pride in his work shines through when he presents it to classmates.
___ From the first day of school, he has defined himself as a learner and enjoys pushing himself to try new things.
___ is always thinking on a higher level.
___ did a wonderful job representing our school in the district math competition.
___ has been a great addition to the sixth grade.
___ He is a wonderful student, and his work is amazing!
___ shined here!
___ shows true determination, curiosity, and eagerness in the classroom.
___ actively participates in class discussions.
___ She is a happy and eager learner and has really settled into this environment comfortably.
___ displays a proficient level of understanding through her work.
Student Leadership and Activities:
A sampling of student activities reveals our graduates are very involved in their middle schools, including other independent, public, and parochial middle schools! They take the initiative to join or even form clubs. These include joining in sports (boys and girls), becoming class officers, joining after- school clubs, starting environmental/green teams, engaging in academic teams and competitions. We also see a dedication to service organizations and projects, band, instrumental and vocal music, fine arts, foreign language clubs, drama, and student government. Our graduates’ skills as learners and leaders and their social and emotional skills have empowered them; our graduates are consistently engaged and involved in their middle school's leadership and student activities.
What were the Next Schools:
Where did our graduates go and transition so well? To offer even more clarity, here is the list of their next schools in alphabetical order, and you’ll see local private, public, and parochial schools chosen within the last 3-5 years: Kentucky Country Day, Louisville Collegiate School, St. Francis School, Meyzeek Middle, Noe Middle, and Walden.
Thank you and congratulations to the parents who invest in a Virginia Chance School education for their children all the way through the program! If you have not seen our elementary program recently, please set up a tour of our elementary program and see firsthand why and how these students soar.
Program Outcomes for Fifth Grade Graduates of Virginia Chance School
As a result of a Virginia Chance education, a graduate will demonstrate a/an:
Social Development
- respect for space and boundaries for self and others
- ability to resolve disagreements in an appropriate manner and with independence
- ability to form healthy relationships with peers and adults
- active participation in extracurricular activities and/or service
- knowledge and respect of family traditions, cultures, beliefs of self and others
- camaraderie with peers and the ability to select a peer group in new situations by using acquired, appropriate social skills
- ability to adapt to different social situations and act accordingly
Emotional Development
- ability to identify and express feelings appropriately, and in an articulate manner
- self-reliance with attitudes, beliefs and interactions in various relationships
- ability to name a problem and seek an effective solution
- responsibility for own words, actions and behaviors
- ability to choose activities that support one’s areas of interest
- awareness of personal strengths and challenges; sets goals and strive to meet them
- appropriate feelings to match specific situation
- ability to regulate feelings appropriately
Self-Help Skills
- ability to regulate voice and temperament in all settings
- ability to regulate one’s body in all settings
- ability to care for personal belongings and materials
- ability to care for personal hygiene
- ability to apply concepts of rules, fair play, and cooperation
- ability for completion of tasks and responsibilities with ease, independence and in a timely manner
Moral Development
- understanding of right and wrong regarding behaviors, actions and words
- value system to operate by within one’s living and learning environment
- well-developed conscience and be fair-minded
- desire to participate as a person of compassion within a school environment, as well as demonstrate a willingness and desire to participate in in-house and outreach community service projects and events
- empathy and sympathy for others; respect for the environment, people and animals
Cognitive Development
- variety of strategies to develop meaning from a variety of texts
- love of reading
- appreciation and understanding of and exposure to a variety of literary forms, styles and authors
- understanding of author style and the ability to critique, summarize and analyze a given text
- understanding of an extended vocabulary
- application of thinking (comprehension) strategies while deciphering texts
- ability to effectively choose a favorite author, genre, theme for independent reading
- ability to write with clarity for a variety of purposes and audiences; therefore, understanding and effectively using criteria related to specific genres of writing (persuasive, personal narrative, nonfiction/research, interviews, poetry, fiction, fantasy, functional, etc.)
- ability to develop and organize ideas by using a variety of graphic organizers
- ability to utilize the writing process (brainstorming, first draft, revision, editing, final draft, publishing)
- ability to evaluate self-selected “best” work for personal portfolios
- ability to write in cursive legibly
- ability to listen to others with an open mind, with attention, and with grace
- ability to follow multi-step directions successfully and independently
- effective and critical listening skills during one-on-one, small group, and large group discussions with peers and adults
- effective listening skills while working cooperatively and collaboratively with others
- ability to speak with confidence, clarity and fluency in a variety of situations
- ability to speak in an articulate manner with appropriate vocabulary and expression
- use of speaking mechanics to communicate with others effectively; the ability to use appropriate eye contact, volume and appropriate intonation
- ability to articulate ideas, feelings and opinions appropriately, in a variety of settings
- ability to respond effectively to a variety of recall and inferential questions
- appreciation of mathematical tools in real-life situations
- use of discussion, reading, writing, listening and speaking and visual representation to express mathematical ideas and processes
- ability to reach conclusions about math problems and justify solution processes
- ability to use a variety of strategies in computational situations
- an understanding of number and operational sense, basic algebra and geometry, measurement, probability and statistics, patterns and relationships and multiple problem solving strategies
- accuracy on daily work, assessments and homework
Inquiry-based learning (Theme Study - science and social studies)
- ability to differentiate between fact, fiction and opinion in relating historical events and their place in history with possible impact on future events
- ability to rewrite research information into own words
- ability to present research in a logical, creative format
- use of maps, charts, graphs, and geography tools to identify and interpret data
- ability to use a variety of tools to gain further information (charts, books, pictures, graphs, technology tools - Smart Board, computers, IPads, Chromebooks, etc.)
- ability to work collaboratively and cooperatively while assessing, organizing, and interpreting information and data
- ability to incorporate processes, skills and behaviors central to science or social studies/history
- proficiency of the following skills: observing, measuring, experimenting, quantifying, analyzing and thinking critically through collaborative and cooperative group interactions
- understanding of the scientific process/method (hypothesis, materials, predictions, observations and conclusions)
- understanding of the relationship and integration of STEAM thinking (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) across all curricular areas
- ability to utilize 21st century learning skills
Physical Development (gross motor and fine motor)
- ability to participate in individual, dual and group sport activities
- competence in movement concepts, motor skills and physical endurance and stamina
- appropriate balance and coordination
- ability to apply strategies in games and activities
- competence with writing utensils, technology tools, manipulatives and other fine motor materials
Specialist Areas:
- ability to think creatively and express own ideas through artistic means
- an understanding of the elements of art: line, shape, color and texture
- an understanding of how to use various art tools for different art processes and experiences- drawing, painting, collage, clay sculpture, printmaking and fiber art, etc.
- an awareness and appreciation of aesthetics
- an awareness and respect for one’s visual expression and interests
- an art vocabulary through oral critiques
- recognition of styles and characteristics of various art forms and style
- an appreciation and understanding of the historical and cultural evolvement of various art genres and influences for the future
Media (Library and Technology)
- awareness of a variety of genres and is able to self-select favorite genres, series and authors independently
- understanding of how to navigate a library effectively and with purpose for needed resources for research and/or pleasure reading and learning
- understanding and ability to use appropriate keyboarding skills, word processing, database, PowerPoint and spreadsheets
- ability to use a variety of technology tools to create, share, inform and organize research and presentations
- ability to author, publish and conduct research successfully and independently across all curricular areas
- ability to express creative ideas using various instruments, musical tools, and technology
- understanding of the discipline of musical instruction and participation
- understanding of musical influence in cultures around the world
- established musical vocabulary
- appreciation and knowledge of various musical instruments, styles and genres both historically and culturally
- ability to participate in individual, small group and large group performances
- ability to read musical notation
- ability to create and show rhythm
P.E. and Health/Nutrition (Physical Education)
- ability of coordination, balance, endurance, strength and core stability
- self-discipline and self responsibility for overall health and fitness
- ability to work/play in cooperative and competitive games and activities
- ability to develop strategies and be an effective team member
- ability to offer encouragement to others and display appropriate team spirit
- ability to display positive sportsmanship
- ability to take risks and learn through trial and error
- well-developed mind and body connection
- ability to take care of personal hygiene, establish other personal healthy and nutritional habits and utilize mindfulness for overall well-being
- understanding and respect for the environment and animals and their habitats
- understanding of and the ability to generate new ideas about nature, life science, physical science, and earth and space science
- understanding of the relationship of science, math, social science, art, the environment and global issues
- understanding of and can apply STEAM thinking effectively across all curricular areas
- understanding of scientific principles, appropriate questioning, the ability to make reasonable predictions, and use scientific methodology to problem solve, test, perform simple statistics, in order to draw conclusions
- pride and commitment to being an environmental steward for the community and planet
- ability to transform information and knowledge into experiences and skills that encourage active learning and creative problem solving
- understanding and appreciation for the Spanish language and Hispanic culture
- ability to converse in Spanish using short phrases and sentences
- ability to comprehend Spanish from peers and teacher appropriate to the level of instruction
- well-developed Spanish vocabulary and ability to conjugate verbs appropriate to the level of instruction
- ability to write in Spanish using common, everyday vocabulary appropriate to the level of instruction
- ability to read Spanish appropriate to the level of instruction