Virginia Chance School looks for employees who possess high intellect, and content-area knowledge are creative and passionate about teaching, learning, and leading. Chance seeks out those who have strong communication skills, are productive and energetic with strong work ethics, and value their relationships with students, colleagues, and families. We explicitly look for those that understand and have studied the core tenets of Progressive Education or have taught in a Progressive Program. If you need a Progressive Ed refresher, please see this article so that we may have an informed discussion about classroom expectations in the interview process: Progressive Education.
Employment Opportunities:
The school welcomes employment inquiries at any time during the year. Most interviewing and hiring for teaching positions occur during May, June, and July; however, positions are filled throughout the year as openings become available. Active and currently interviewing openings are updated daily through the links below.
Virginia Chance School encourages and actively seeks applications from a diverse faculty, staff, and school administrators. The school is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in hiring or employment based on race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or disability. As a learning environment that fosters socially responsible citizens who are lifelong learners and problem-solvers, Virginia Chance School is an inclusive community with a welcoming spirit. We seek to embrace and celebrate each person's individuality and recognize the full spectrum of our community's cultural traditions and life experiences. We invite each other to understand and value multiple perspectives, identify and reject stereotypes and biases, and work for equity and peace within the school and beyond.
The diversity we affirm includes but is not limited to race, ethnicity, national origin, creed, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, socioeconomic status, or ability. We uphold this commitment by being welcoming to all our families, by enriching our student body, staff, and board with members from varied backgrounds; and by learning with our children how to become compassionate citizens of our world. Through these efforts to engage across differences, we connect in our shared humanity and prepare our children for a lifetime of meaningful, peaceful relationships at home and in the world.
We asked the teachers about teaching at Virginia Chance School and here is what THEY said:
- We have small class sizes—each classroom has two teachers and our classroom ratios are very low
- We form real and meaningful relationships—with other teachers, administrators, parents and the children
People want to be here so there is a positive work environment - We are an outdoor-integrated school so the environment is healthy and enriching and we promote that learning
- We have and show mutual respect between parents, teachers, administrators and the children
The environment is healthy and positive - There is consistency in providing a progressive education throughout the school, from 2s-5 th grade and in how we treat one another
- There is collaboration with other teachers—both classroom and specialist teachers
- We have outstanding parental support so have a partnership between school and home
- We are both a preschool and an elementary school so we have multiple ages and interactions
- There are two teachers in every classroom who are qualified partner teachers; co-teaching provides support and shared work, better differentiation, more opportunities and true collaboration
- We follow best practices in education based on current research
- We have multiage classes at the elementary level so we get to have the children for two years and really know them well
- We have a beautiful school and 26 acres including exceptional outdoor learning spaces
- We really do focus on the whole child and equally value cognitive, social, emotional, moral and physical abilities
- We value play and every child has playtime, from the twos through fifth grade
- Every decision is based on what’s best for the child and that is evident and clear
- We have Specialists for both Preschoolers and Elementary students
- We get to teach in a stimulating and creative environment
- We have a family and community atmosphere here
- The children are excited about school and learning, and we have few discipline challenges
- Teachers get to learn effective parenting skills as well
- Parents are happy, and partnerships between teachers and parents are positive
- Teachers are supported—by other teachers, Directors, Administrators and a Resource Teacher
- We are a School of Compassion and treat one another, people, animals and our earth with compassion
- We have wonderful classroom materials, supplies, and equipment
- We all have paid planning time
- It is fun to teach here