Giving » Giving


Virginia Chance School holds two major fundraising asks each year: Our Fall Fund Drive (Give for Good) and the Virginia Chance School Auction but welcomes gifts at any time. Tuition does not cover all of the costs that go into educating children here. Your gift provides for the balance of operating expenses, enhances current programs, contributes to the school's socioeconomic diversity, and strengthens Chance School for the future.
Given the importance of Giving to the pursuit of excellence at Chance School and knowing that we all have different backgrounds, we ask that you make a gift that is generous and meaningful to you. Gifts of any size make a significant impact at Chance School, and we hope you will consider making Chance School a priority in your charitable giving.

If your securities are held by a brokerage house or company, contact your broker and decide which securities and how many would be best to donate. Send Victor Fernandes a copy of the letter of instruction (which your broker will require). Then, have your broker contact Chance School for wire transfer instructions.

Donors often see cash gifts as the only way to support Virginia Chance School. In reality, giving securities, stock, real estate, mutual funds, or bonds may be beneficial to both you and the school.

You may benefit by:

avoiding capital gains taxes
increasing charitable deductions
lowering your estate taxes
An important note:
Always send Chance School a letter, fax, or email clearly stating the details when you are giving a gift of securities. Not only do we need this information for tax purposes, but it helps us determine which stock gift is yours and how your gift is to be used.
Click below to Donate:

Thanks to the generosity of our community, we have a good start on this fund-a-need project for three pavilions on campus. 

We are now inviting supporters to help us reach our fund-a-need efforts by participating in the Community Gifts portion of our work. By clicking here you can donate any amount to support the construction of these pavilions. For any donation of $2500 or more, you can add a named paver to our pavilion pathway. 

We are excited to have outdoor spaces where our students can learn, summer campers can play, and our community can gather. We are honored to have the opportunity to fulfill our mission by helping children appreciate and care for nature by spending time outdoors. We invite you to be part of this legacy project!

Thank you for being a part of our community. If you would like to visit campus, or would like to know more about this project, I would love to meet you. I can be reached at [email protected] or 502.425.6904 x302.

What makes Virginia Chance School special?

Chance School is the only fully dedicated early childhood education program in Louisville, offering education from Preschool to 5th grade. Our evidenced-based Progressive Education curriculum is recognized for its innovative, best-in-class implicit instruction focused on inquiry-based learning.
Virginia Chance School offers rigor in a collaborative environment designed to build self-motivation, a growth mindset, and critical thinking skills with immersive nature-based learning for all students. 
Inside our bright, busy classrooms and outside on our magical wooded campus, students learn through hands-on discovery and group project work. It’s an ideal place for children to develop a lifelong love of learning and connections.
A captivating childhood education awaits...


The campaign begins annually in the fall with our Give For Good Day and ends on December 31, 2024.

Give For Good on September 12th! 
Support from parents, alumni, and friends ensures that we continue to fulfill our mission and vision for years to come. Below is a list of options you might consider when making a gift to Virginia Chance School. If you are interested in learning more about these gift opportunities or have already designated Virginia Chance School as a beneficiary, please contact us to recognize your generous contribution.

Gifts of Cash
Gifts of cash may be made either outright or as a multi-year pledge. These gifts are fully deductible up to a maximum of 50 percent of the donor’s adjusted gross income.

Gifts of Securities
Gifts of securities may be made either outright or as multi-year pledges. Such gifts allow the donor to receive a charitable deduction for the full fair-market value of the security while avoiding capital gains and alternative minimum taxes on the increased value of the security.

Tangible Property
Donors may make tangible property gifts such as real estate, artwork, books, vehicles, equipment, and furniture outright to the school. Donors may avoid the capital gains tax and receive a charitable deduction for the property's full fair market value.

Matching Gifts
Many corporations will match gifts made by their employees and associates. Check with your Human Resources Department to determine whether your employer sponsors such a program.

Other Gifts
Virginia Chance School also accepts other types of gifts, including Gifts of Life Insurance, Charitable Gift Annuities, Charitable Lead Trusts, Charitable Remainder Unitrusts, Estate, and Planned Gifts, Bequests, and Gifts in Kind.

Please consult your financial adviser or attorney to determine your ideal type of giving and learn about the added benefits, such as tax deductions, for your generous support. Thank you for considering support to Virginia Chance School!
If you have any questions about giving to Virginia Chance School, please contact Victor Fernandes, Director of Finance, at (502)-425-6904 or [email protected]. Thank you for your generosity!